Fondazione IRCCS Policlinico San Matteo
N° Verde Prenotazioni (rete fissa) 800.638638 | 02 99.95.99 (da cellulare)
Cittadini stranieri

Clinic for foreigners - Non E.U. citizens with non valid or expired residency permit


Non E.U citizens with non valid or expired residency permit can enjoy medical assistance at the Clinic for foreigners: 


On Wednesday from 4:30 pm to 5:30 pm – no reservation needed 

Pavilion n. 6 (follow the directions to the Blood Center)

San Matteo Polyclinic


The clinic provides for two different type of assistance: 

  • the medical one guaranteed by the General Practitioner;
  • the administrative one, consisting in: STP issue and renowal, test booking. 


The clinic cannot provide for medical assistance in case of emergency; in that case you can go to the ER.

Data ultimo aggiornamento: 05/07/2024